
Africanized Honey Bee

Africanized honey bees are less predictable and more defensive than European honey bees. They are more likely to defend a greater area around their nest. They respond faster in greater numbers, although each bee can sting only once. Africanized Honey Bees:

  • Swarm frequently to establish new colonies
  • Nest in small cavities and sheltered areas
  • Can sense a threat from people or animals 50 feet or more from the nest

Carpenter Bee

Carpenter bees are not social insects and do not live in nests or colonies. The California carpenter bee nests in incense cedar and redwood. Male carpenter bees tend to tend to become aggressive when humans approach. Since males have no stinger, these actions are merely for show. However, the females do have a potent stinger which is rarely used.

European Honey Bee

These bees forage on pollen and nectar from flowering plants and use these materials to produce the honey that will feed the colony through the winter months. Swarms of honeybees may be seen clustered on a tree branch, a fence, or a building as the bees rest before flying off again to find a suitable nesting site. Because hundreds of bees are part of this swarm, people are often concerned about the possibility of the bees attacking. Usually, the bees in these swarms are docile and non-aggressive unless vigorously disturbed.

Solitary Ground Bee

These bees are solitary and not social bees, and usually nest in the ground. They can become urban nuisance pests when they nest in large numbers and they can give a mild sting when being brushed away.

These are beneficial insects and control should be avoided if possible.